Aix-Marseille Université / AMU

Founded in 1409

Aix-Marseille University is the fruit of the merger of the three institutions: Universities of Provence, Méditerranée and Paul Cézanne. Today, Aix-Marseille University has 72,000 students, 10,000 international students, 7,500 faculty, administrative staff, researchers and engineers. There are five main campuses (Aix-en-Provence, Marseille Etoile, Marseille Centre, Timone and Luminy) and 120 student associations.

Aix-Marseille is constantly growing and opening up to a variety of disciplines, thus becoming a pole of worldwide reputation. It offers five main fields of study: Art, Literature, Languages, Human and Social Sciences; Law and Political Science; Economics and Management; Health Science; and Science and Technology. The university proposes 600-degree courses with 375 Erasmus and 300 bilateral agreements as well as 12 doctoral schools and 132 research units.

The Institut d'Études Humanitaires Internationales (IEHI) was established in 1993 within the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences. It offers a “Master 2” degree in humanitarian action and law, with four options (professional and research), which can be complemented by more technical training. The “Humanitarian Action and Law” option is one of the only legal humanitarian master degrees in France. It is also one of the rare humanitarian specialties with an international context culture, relevant legal standards and real field preparation. The Institut d’Études Humanitaires is a pillar of excellence in education recognised by the French State.

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  • First semester

    The semester is composed of an inter-university joint course that brings together all NOHA students and a set of common courses which provide a space to debate the essentials of humanitarian action and its current trends.
    Intensive Programme >
    Géopolitique >
    Droit de la protection >
    Santé publique en milieu précaire >
    Méthodologie du projet >
    Anthropologie et methods des sciences sociales >
  • Second semester

    Thematic specialisation: Aperçus juridiques et géopolitiques des actions de terrain (Réponses aux défis géopolitiques)

    The second semester in AMU focuses on exploring the legal and geopolitical aspects of international humanitarian action.

    Students delve into the different legal regimes dealing with the various aspects of international humanitarian action and their interplay. They learn about International Humanitarian Law, International Human Rights Law, International Refugee Law. During the semester, students will also learn about the geopolitical context of some of the major contemporary crises in which humanitarian actors are involved.  Through the analysis of different situations, the various geopolitical challenges and factors and their impact on humanitarian action will be assessed. The aim is to provide students with tools to understand the contexts in which humanitarian action takes place and to enable them to develop multifactorial analytical skills. Additional courses during the semester include peacemaking and peacebuilding, development cooperation and sustainable development, crisis management in a humanitarian context, and the protection and strategies of humanitarian actors. The teaching methods used throughout the semester are based on interactive methods and simulations.
  • Third semester

    The university does not offer courses in the third semester. Students pursue a research track at one of the partner universities or a professional placement in a humanitarian organisation.
  • Fourth semester

    The semester aims to prepare students to select and analyse research material, confront new problems in their multifaceted dimensions, understand reality and elaborate innovative solutions.

Useful info

  • Studying in Aix-en-Provence

    Town of water, town of art... Aix was built and has developed around this dual identity. But the town also knows how to blend different eras and culture. Open to the world, it is a city of human dimension where the preserved heritage and the city of tomorrow blend perfectly. Here, all is colour and sensation: the light of the sky, the golden stone of the facades, the transparent green of the fountains, the shade of the plane trees, the surprises organised during the festival nights.
    Established in 122 B.C., Aix-en-Provence has a name that travels in time: Aquas Sextias, Ais en Provencou, Aix en Provence. Today, the city has a surface area of 18,600 hectares with 137,067 inhabitants and Maryse Joissains-Masini as a mayor. The average temperature is 17°C (63°F) and there is an excellent mild climate. Aix is protected from the winds of the North, but is slightly affected by the Mistral. Average daily temperatures vary between 5 to 6°C (January) and 21.9°C (July). No more than 91 days of rain are recorded during the year. In winter, the sun is almost permanent with an average of 300 days of sun per year. The dry summer is pleasant owing to a light perpetual breeze. Autumn is radiant and sunny.
  • Accommodation

    For on-campus student accommodation, you can contact the CROUS-Aix-Marseille for further information. Accommodation is available in the private sector, student residences or apartment-sharing.
    Network of student residences:   
    Shared appartments:
  • Living costs

    An international student has to be able to justify sufficient resources during his/her stay to obtain his/her visa and the residence permit (monthly statements, certificate of the amount and the duration of a possible grant…). The amount officially requested by the French authorities is 610 euro a month, but this amount is insufficient.
    Example of a monthly budget for a student living in a Hall of Residence
    Accommodation in Hall of Residence: € 250
    FoodMeals in university restaurant: € 170
    FoodSupermarket: € 160
    Books and stationery: € 50
    Local transport: € 20
    Personal upkeep: € 60
    Leisure: € 60
    Phone: € 50
    Private accommodation is more expensive: monthly rent averages at 500 euros, with other expenses being the same, the monthly budget amounts to around 1000 euros.
    Obviously, your expenses depend on your way of life.
    Your first month’s expenditure will be nearly twice as much the next months:
    - health insurance (215 euro in 2015-2016) and extra health coverage if chosen (for non-European students)
    - tuition fees for non exchange programme students
    - a returnable deposit for your accommodation (1 to 2 months rent) + a month’s rent in advance
    - initial expenditures (sheets, towels, cooking utensils, books…)
    - different fees and subscriptions (sport…)
    Students are often entitled to discount (shops, transport, theatre, cinema, museums, bookshops…), remember to show your student card. In France, you can apply for the APL (Aide personnalisée au logement) accommodation allowance, from the CAF (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales) as soon as you obtain your residence permit.
  • Useful links


  • Dr Rossitza Barakova NOHA Coordinator
  • Prof Dr Ludovic Hennebel Professor at the Faculty of Law in Aix-en-Provence
  • Dr Cornelia Walther Chief of Communication, UNICEF Haiti
  • Michel Gaudé External lecturer
  • Prof George-André Simon Professor of Food Security
  • Julien Moriceau Avocats Sans Frontières
  • Prof Pierre Perrin Associate Professor
  • Prof Dr Thierry Renoux Senior Trainer, Lecturer
  • Prof. Dr. Hélène Tigroudja Professor at the Faculty of Law in Aix-en-Provence
  • Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Mateudi Professor and Director of the Chair Civil Societies, Urban and Territorial Transitions in the Mediterranean
  • Prof. Dr. Gil Charbonnier Professor and NOHA Director


Aix-Marseille Université / AMU

Institut d'Etudes Humanitaires
Faculté de Droit et Science Politique
bureau 036, bât. Portalis
3, ave Robert Schuman
13628 Aix en Provence
Cedex 1, France

+33 44 217 2591

Last updated: 19 March 2018

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