Specific national admission requirements

Some of the NOHA universities have a specific list of national requirements which have to be met in order to conclude the admission procedure. Please read the information before applying in order to be prepared in advance.

Universidad de Deusto (UD)

  1. In the case that a bachelor diploma is issued by a university outside of the EU: The diploma should be issued by the university or competent body, accrediting that the degree certificate obtained is valid for access to Master’s programmes.
  2. Documents issued abroad the UE must be official and issued by the competent authorities, in accordance with the legal system in the corresponding country. The degree diploma granting access to the programme must be submitted at the time of enrolment. It must be legalised or authenticated by the relevant diplomatic authorities, or, where necessary, certified by the Hague Convention Apostille. This is not required for documents issued by the authorities of the Member States of the European Union, or signatories of specific exemption agreements. They must be accompanied, if necessary, by the corresponding certified translation into Spanish, English, French or Italian.
  3. Non-Spanish speaking candidates must also provide proof of having a good knowledge of the Spanish language equivalent to B2 level of the CEFR. Applicants may submit either a valid certificate or language test conducted at the Language Centre of the University of Deusto. This accreditation is not required for courses that are fully taught in English; to be said, the ones for the second semester.

University of Groningen (RUG)

If you select Groningen as your home university, please note that if you do not have an EU/EEA/Swiss nationality, the RUG will need to apply for an entry visa and/or residence permit on your behalf. As part of this process, you will need to give proof of sufficient funds for your living expenses for a whole year. This means that you have to transfer an amount of approximately € 13,800 to the RUG by 15 June 2025 (if you need an entry visa and a residence permit) or by 1 July 2025 (if you only need a residence permit), which will be paid back. You can also supply a scholarship letter or loan statement to this amount. If you are admitted to NOHA, you will receive more detailed information from the RUG about the visa/residence permit application procedure.

If you select Groningen as your host university, please note that if you do not have an EU/EEA/Swiss nationality, the RUG will need to apply for an entry visa and/or residence permit on your behalf. As part of this process, you will need to give proof of sufficient funds for your living expenses for one semester (i.e., 5 months). This means that you have to transfer an amount of approximately € 5,750 to the RUG by 15 November 2025 (if you need an entry visa and a residence permit) or by 1 December 2025 (if you only need a residence permit), which will be paid back. You can also supply a scholarship letter or loan statement to this amount. If you are admitted to NOHA, you will receive more detailed information from the RUG about the visa/residence permit application procedure.

In addition, you will have to pay a visa application fee of € 243. This applies to both home and host students. The amounts are subject to (bi)annual change.

Uniwersytet Warszawski (UW)

  1. The higher education diploma (MA, BA, engineer diploma or equivalent) with a full list of grades obtained during the course of study, entitling to continue university-level study in country in which the diploma was issued.
  2. If possible, Diploma Supplement (DS) is a document accompanying a higher education diploma, providing a standardised description of the nature, level, context, content and status of the studies completed by its holder. 
  3. An official document from the university or educational authorities of the country in which the diploma was issued explicitly stating the diploma entitles to undertake master (second cycle) studies in the country in which the certificate / diploma was issued

More information.

Uppsala universitet (UU)

If Uppsala is your first-choice university, please note the following points concerning admission.

1. Diplomas and transcripts

All candidates must upload their BA diploma and transcripts to the NOHA website. Candidates whose BA degree was awarded by a university in Bangladesh, Cameroon, Canada, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka or the United States of America must in addition follow the special instructions below.

  • If your degree was awarded by a University in Pakistan, all documents (diploma and transcripts) must be attested by the Higher Education Commission (HEC).
  • If your degree was awarded by a university in Cameroon, Canada, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Nigeria or the United States of America, your official transcripts must be sent directly from your university to jointprogrammes-ufv@uu.se. Alternatively, your university can send the official transcripts in a sealed envelope to the address under 4. below.
  • If your degree was awarded by a university in Bangladesh or Sri Lanka you must ask your university to send a certified copy of your transcripts on paper directly to the address under 4. below.

2. English tests

Normally you do not need to sit an English test if you can show that English was the language of instruction during the entire period of your bachelor’s  studies. However, if you received your university degree in Bangladesh or Pakistan, this will not be sufficient unless the degree-awarding university is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools. If your university is not listed in the World Directory, please submit an English test.

3. Candidates in their final year of bachelor studies

If you are in your final year of bachelor studies you must upload to the NOHA website an official document stating that you are currently enrolled as a student and participating in your last semester of studies. The document must be issued through and certified by a representative of the Academic Registrar's Office, the Examinations Office or equivalent of the institution. Certification from other staff members, such as faculty or college staff members, will not be accepted.

4. Uppsala University address for submission of documents

The address for submitting the documents referred to under point 1 above is as follows:

Admissions Office – Joint Programmes
International Humanitarian Action (HIH2E)
Uppsala University
Box 256
SE – 751 05 Uppsala

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