Advanced management (II): Establishment of a humanitarian organisation - administrative issues

  • Course description

    The overall objective of the module is to introduce the students to key legal concepts of non-governmental organisations to enable them to apply this knowledge to practical cases.
  • Learning outcomes

    In conformity with the learning outcomes set out by the NOHA network, students should achieve the following learning outcomes by the end of this module: 
     Has a thorough knowledge of different legal forms in which humanitarian assistance can be provided, indicating main advantages and disadvantages of each solution, including issues of registration and taxation. 
     Has a good knowledge of the main institutions essential for the functioning of humanitarian organisation. 
     Has a good understanding of differences between humanitarian and development assistance and their legal implications, under both national and international regulations. 
     Is able to establish a basic organisational framework of a humanitarian organisation according to Polish law, is able to fill basic registration documents. 
     Is prepared to follow procedural steps in order to establish a humanitarian organisation, is aware of necessity to update one's knowledge. 
  • Teaching and learning methodology

    The module will employ a combination of lectures and classroom-based group work with presentation of the work to achieve the learning outcomes mentioned above. 
  • Assessment methods and criteria

    The final grade is achieved by participating in an oral exam. The oral exam will comprise three questions, two of them related to the charter of an NGO prepared by the student in advance of the exam.

    The exam will assess the passive knowledge of the contents of the course and also the applicability of this knowledge in a practical situation. 
  • Required reading

    Handbook on civil society organizations registration and operations (comparative aspects)
    David Lewis: Non-Governmental Organizations, Management and Development, 3rd edn 
    David Moore, Katerina HadziMiceva, and Nilda Bullain, A Comparative Overview of Public Benefit Status in Europe, The International Journal of Not-for-Profit Law, Volume 11, Issue 1, November 2008 
    Stefano Lombardo, Some Reflections on Freedom of Establishment of Non-profit Entities in the European Union, European Business Organization Law Review 14: 225-263 
    Alicja Majdańska, Taxation of non-profit organizations – Poland
    Izabela Podobas, Piotr Swacha, 1% OF INCOME TAX FOR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS IN POLAND, Kultura i Edukacja 2011, No. 6 (85) 
    Gerry Salole, Why Is the European Foundation Statute Needed?, The International Journal of NotforProfit Law Volume 11, Issue 1, November 2008 

Last updated: 11 September 2024

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