Deakin University / DU

Founded in 1974

With over 40 years of experience as one of Australia’s leading tertiary education providers, Deakin University won numerous awards and teaches over 53,000 students each year. We offer our students world-class programs and endless opportunities.

Deakin is known as a globally connected university, with five popular campuses – including an online Cloud Campus – and technology-rich learning centres across outer metropolitan Melbourne. With internationally recognised quality of research and teaching, Deakin ranked 213 in the prestigious Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) putting Deakin in the top 2% of the world’s universities.

At the Centre for Humanitarian Leadership, researchers and students are working towards addressing some of humanity’s biggest challenges. Through teaching, research, policy development and innovation for the humanitarian sector the Centre strives to better serve communities affected by crisis with more responsive, efficient and relevant actions. The Centre aims to transform the way the humanitarian workforce is led, how humanitarian organisations operate, and challenging current approaches to humanitarian crisis response. The Centre is a collaboration between Deakin and Save the Children Australia.

Deakin's Centee for Humanitarian Leadership Offers a programme and inidividual courses that are very well aligned with the NOHA programme aims and set up. The Centre is built on a close collaboration between academia and humanitarian organisations to provide highly relevant higher education. In addition, Deakin adds special competence about the south Asian and Oceanian humanitarian context. 

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  • Courses for NOHA students

    Semester 3/2019‐2021

    4 modules or
    2 modules

    13 Jul – 2 Oct 2020 or 9 Nov 2020 – 5 Feb 2021 30 ECTS

    15 ECTS 15 ECTS

    The participating students from NOHA universities will register as non‐award students at Deakin for one academic trimester, either during the second (July‐October) or the third (November‐February) trimester. Each of the courses is valued 1 Deakin credit (7.5 ECTS), thus the students can participate in 4 different courses during the trimester. Alternatively, the students can undertake an internship (2 Deakin credits) and 2 different courses from the available pool. However, note that Deakin cannot guarantee an internship placement.

    Terminology regarding modes of delivery: on‐campus is a unit taught at Deakin University’s Burwood campus in Melbourne. Cloud is a unit delivered online via either CloudDeakin or FutureLearn platforms. NOHA suggests that you choose campus courses as the first alternative with campus and online Cloud as second alternative. Online courses will add flexibility for those students who want to pursue an internship.

    The courses available in each of the trimesters:

    Second trimester (July-October):
    No. Name ECTS
      Core units available: choose a least three campus courses
    1. Applied Humanitarian Assistance: From Theory to Practice [intensive on campus] 7.5
    2. Fundamentals of Humanitarian Management [campus] 7.5
    3. The Humanitarian World [online] 7.5
    4. Management of Humanitaian Health Programmes [online] 7.5
    5. Evidence and Decision making in Humanitarian Action [online] 7.5
      Electives available:
    6. Humanitarian Settlement [campus] 7.5
    7. Principles and Practice of Public Health [campus ] 7.5
    8. Health and Social Impact Assessment [campus] 7.5
    9. Health Equity and Human Rights [campus] 7.5
    10. Humanitarian Assistance Internship [cannot be guarenteed] 15.0

    Third trimester (November-February):
    No. Name ECTS
      Core units available:
    1. Project and Financial Management in Humanitarian Contexts [campus and online] 7.5
    3. The Humanitarian World [campus and online] 7.5
      Electives available:
    4. Humanitarian - Development Nexus [online] 7.5
    5. Humanitarian Assistance Internship 15.0

    Please note that there may be minor changes in the modules presented above according to revisions made by the partner university to adjust the curriculum to the future academic calendars.
  • Download DU third semester manual 2023

Useful info


Deakin University / DU

Centre for Humanitarian Leadership
Deakin University Melbourne Burwood Campus
221 Burwood Highway, Burwood
VIC 3125 Australia

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Last updated: 29 April 2024

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