Faculty & Staff
(Under construction)
NOHA Europe
- All regions
- NOHA Europe
- NOHA Latin America
- NOHA Southeast Asia
All affiliations
- Coordinators
- Directors
- Executive Office
- External lecturers
- Faculty
- General Assembly
- General Secretariat
- NOHA Alumni
- Staff
All institutions
- Aix-Marseille Université / AMU
- Rijksuniversiteit Groningen / RUG
- Ruhr-Universität Bochum / RUB
- Universidad de Deusto / UD
- University College Dublin / UCD
- University of Malta / UoM
- Uniwersytet Warszawski / UW
- Uppsala universitet / UU
- Vilniaus universitetas / VU
All areas
- Capacity building & Training
- Children in armed conflict
- Civil military cooperation
- Civil protection
- Communication
- Conflict analysis & Resolution
- Detention
- Early warning, DRR & Resilience
- Education
- Food security
- Gender & Gender based violence
- Governance & Rule of Law
- Health & Nutrition
- Humanitarian crisis analysis
- Humanitarian diplomacy
- Humanitarian Ethics
- Inclusive Humanitarian Action
- International Humanitarian Law
- International humanitarian NGOs
- International Humanitarian System
- Logistics & SCM
- Mapping, cartography & digital humanitarianism
- Mental Health
- Migration, Refugees & IDPs
- Mine action
- Mitigation
- Needs assessment
- Preparedness
- Prevention
- Project Cycle Management
- Protection of civilians
- Psychology
- Reconstruction
- Recovery
- Research Methods
- Response
- Sanitation, Water & Hygiene
- Shelter & Camp management
All regions
- Central & South Asia
- East & Southern Africa
- Europe & Caucasus
- Latin America & Caribbean
- Middle East & North Africa
- North & South East Asia
- North America
- Pacific Region
- West & Central Africa